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Ceramic Artist
For more than two decades, the metamorphosis of a lump of clay into infinite forms continues to delight me. Welcome to my website galleries which exhibit a body of work that has evolved during my collaboration with this plastic medium, as I explore and discover new possibilities for personal and original expression. Each piece is one of a kind, which I produce and fire in my own studio with techniques and glazes which I have developed.    

Photo credits: Tony Cunha, George Post, Bernard Wolf

My Song

The elegant ceramics developed by China’s potters of the Song Dynasty (960 - 1278 AD) have had significant influence on my work. The timeless beauty of Song is a fountainhead from which I continually draw, while incorporating personal choices in high fire, thrown porcelain vessels of lovely form and luscious glazes, thoughtfully chosen to enhance each piece individually. Having spent four glorious years at school in southern Indiana, my love of the woods and the effect of sunlight filtering through the canopy of leaves on the colors of the forest have enriched the surfaces of my own vases, ikebana, cachepots, chargers, bowls, goblets, and tea pots.


Shi Hu

The inferno awakens Shi Hu, creature of the kiln. Sculptural female high fired, thrown porcelain vessels are formed into tea pots, candle holders and vases, garbed in classic Chinese glazes resulting in a fine netting of crackle and softly melting tones. Each piece is individually formed, the sculpted faces either lightly filmed in thin transparent glaze, reminiscent of classic Blanc de Chine, or after firing, gently brushed with metallic powders which are then protected with multiple layers of lacquer, producing a dewy sheen.
Shi Hu pieces measure 17" - 21" H

My Mind’s Eye

These creatures, individually sculpted into solid stoneware clay, inhabit my mind’s eye. They demand to be heard and speak through their body language. They have been inspired by ancient Chinese court characters and netske which convey charming attitude. 


DeVine Gallery

Creating a series allows me to explore a concept from several perspectives. I have used a garland of grape leaves to adorn the heads in my DeVine series, as I divine the effect on those who would partake of the fruit of the vine.

Click here to go to gallery.


Collaborative Gallery

Our collaborative gallery contains examples of the combination of ceramics and wood with metal in an exploration of the expressive harmonies (and incompatibilities) of these diverse media. Finding the right balance between the plasticity of Carol’s ceramic sculpture and Alfred’s subtractive wood techniques was both challenging and enthralling. It requires pushing the boundaries of both media, introducing and inventing new techniques, and even using other materials when the construction and artistic techniques require them. We will be putting our new pieces and series on the site as we complete them. We hope you will check back frequently and be challenged by them.

Let Reason Ring Series

The year 2009 is the bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin and the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his publication of The Origin of the Species. This seminal work introduced reason into our thinking about life on this planet and into our exploration of our own origins, both individually and as a species. It introduced science into the conversation on the origin of life and began the process that led to our understanding of genetic structure, mutation, and of DNA itself. The structure of the double helix and the understanding of its tendency to change has enhanced our understanding of evolution and led to the mapping of the human genome and those of other species. We have used the totem form in this series because it lets us tell the story in a unique and traditional way. Click here to go to gallery.





DeVine Gallery

Collaborative Gallery


Let Reason Ring Series







"The Infant Phenomenon"

Commissioned by Professor Elliot Engel-President of The Charles Dickens Fellowship of North Carolina

Commissions Considered




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